Diabetes Symptoms–Pregnancy is a time when women should pay attention to their health because they are going through some changes. That affects them physically, mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually. Diabetes is one of these changes.
This condition occurs in pregnant women. Several things might cause diabetes during pregnancy. Knowing the symptoms of diabetes helps early detection of the disease before it becomes serious.
A female patient shows symptoms usually associated with diabetes as hyperglycemia. Her blood sugar level is high because of the increased production of sugar in her body. The cause of this condition may be obesity or stress.
High blood sugar levels can cause hyperglycemia in women. This condition can lead to serious health problems such as heart disease, kidney failure, nerve damage, and coma. Women who suffer from this condition need to check their blood sugar levels frequently.
Polyuria means excessive urination. We may also describe a polyuric woman as having a large bladder or being very thirsty.
When a person drinks more than usual, they may experience polyuria. This condition often occurs in women when they get pregnant.
A polyuric patient may urinate frequently or be incontinent. Polyuria usually results from increased production of water by the kidneys. Causes include high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, liver disease, kidney failure, and Addison’s disease.
Polydipsia is an abnormal thirst for common diabetes symptoms in women because of pregnancy. Here, the patient gets hospitalized because of drinking large amounts of water.
Her heart rate increased during each drinking episode, but there was no change in blood pressure or pulse. She also had a slight fever and a mild headache. Some women feel more thirsty when they drink less than usual.
Nausea and vomiting
Too much acid or alkaline causes nausea and vomiting in women in the stomach. A person who vomits often because of this problem may also throw up blood. It is one of the common diabetes symptoms one can notice.
This woman experiences nausea and vomiting as soon as she gets up. She vomits every time she stands up or lies down. She also has constipation and diarrhea.
Blurred vision
“Blurred vision during pregnancy is one of the very common Diabetes symptoms since the baby’s head grows quickly during the early stages of pregnancy. This causes fluid behind the eyeball to increase rapidly. As this happens, you may be more likely to experience blurred vision or double vision.”
Increased thirst
Pregnant women should drink more water than usual. This helps prevent dehydration during pregnancy.
Most times, mothers drink more than normal during pregnancy, but the amount varies widely depending upon the type of water consumed.
Drinking too much water increases the risk of delivering a premature baby or having other complications during labor. Excessive thirst is very common for diabetes symptoms.
Fatigue and weakness
A new disease in women is called “fatigue and weakness”. This disease affects women who have been pregnant or given birth. Most of these women feel tired and weak after delivery. Their skin gets dry and cracks easily.
Other Diabetes Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, and joint pain. Fatigue and weakness can last up to two years after childbirth. In most cases, this disease does not show any signs until other diseases develop.
The dizziness may be because she is pregnant. She may experience morning sickness or a change in blood pressure. Her doctor should examine her. Dizziness is one of the common Diabetes Symptoms.
Common Diabetes Symptoms
Common diabetes symptoms during pregnancy include frequent urination, excessive thirst, blurred vision, headache, numbness or tingling in hands and feet, and increased hunger and fatigue in the last trimester.
Early Diabetes Symptoms
high blood sugar levels can impair the body’s ability to produce hormones and glucose.
Glucose enters the bloodstream when the body breaks down carbohydrates such as sugary foods and starches. Glucose travels to the liver, where it gets converted into glycogen, a storage form of glucose.
At normal levels, this process keeps blood sugar steady. However, if you do not eat enough or your body loses too much insulin (a hormone that helps regulate blood sugar), then there is too much glucose circulating in the blood. This causes high blood sugar levels or hyperglycemia.
Diabetes develops when blood sugar levels are higher than normal and stays elevated. They release insulin to lower the blood sugar and prevent damage caused by prolonged periods of glucose overload.
Too much insulin also results in high blood sugar levels or hypoglycemia. Both conditions can lead to poor brain function, heart problems, blindness, kidney disease, nerve disorders, and other complications.
In pregnant women, these issues can cause adverse birth outcomes, including premature births and low-birth-weight babies. High blood sugar levels can also contribute to pre-term labor and miscarriage.
Women who develop gestational diabetes should be monitored closely by health care providers, because untreated high blood sugar levels may harm their unborn babies.
Early warning signs of diabetes include increased thirst and urination, fatigue, blurred vision, excessive hunger, frequent infections, and fast-acting cravings for sweets and salty snacks. Treatment of diabetes includes eating healthier diets and exercising regularly.”
Treatment Options
Diabetes mellitus is increased blood glucose levels because of problems inside or outside the liver. Insulin injections can manage this disease to control high sugar levels and diet changes. Also, the patient may be given oral medication such as Actos (metformin). We must administer insulin injections under strict medical supervision. Metformin is safe for both mother and child if prescribed correctly.
Diet control/change is a better option for treating diabetes. Get a better idea to overcome diabetes here
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What are the early Diabetes Symptoms?
“The early warning signs of diabetes include frequent urination, unusual thirst, fatigue, cold hands or feet, blurred vision, slow healing cuts or bruises, dark circles under your eyes, headaches when you wake up…and if you think something is wrong, get yourself checked out right away!”
What is the Diabetes Symptoms in pregnancy?
Symptoms include frequent urination, excessive thirst and hunger, fatigue, blurred vision, numbness or tingling in hands or feet, increased risk of infection, vaginal bleeding, cramping and spotting, and more.
What can cause diabetes while pregnant?
Pregnant women should avoid soda pop, but if they must drink some soda, then only eat half a cup. Women who are obese and also diabetic need to limit what they eat or even eliminate sugar entirely. Eat more fruits and vegetables, and less junk food. Limit alcohol intake during pregnancy, too.
How can I avoid gestational diabetes?
Avoiding gestational diabetes means avoiding sugar. Sugar causes high blood glucose levels during pregnancy, which increases the risk of developing gestational diabetes. You need to eat foods without too much added sugar, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts and seeds, dairy products, meats, eggs, and seafood. Low-fat or fat-free milk and yogurt may be used as part of your daily diet.