Beginning of weight loss
We see many people taking various measures for weight loss (obesity). On 31st December, a resolution is passed with cheers by pouring your favorite drink into a glass…
The New Year’s resolution for 71% of people is to lose weight.
It starts with a new gym membership, a yoga class, a plan to get up and run in the morning, new boots, new clothes especially for exercises, a new diet plan, and whatnot…

If all this is done, then as the weeks go by and people do not see the expected results, they move away from their resolution as follows:
In the first week, 75%
In the second week, 71%
64% in a month
In Six months, 46%
Well …. let’s just say it’s shocking to hear the side effects of weight gain.
Many diseases, such as hypertension, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, gallbladder issues, osteoarthritis, gout, hypertension, and thyroid, can begin with increased weight.
And worse than the above diseases is lack of confidence ………
In the following articles on, we will learn about weight loss and the aforementioned ailments.
Before we learn how to lose weight, we need to understand why it grows.
Simply put, if you consume more food/calories than your body needs and they are not fully digested, then obesity increases.
First, the fats start accumulating in the abdomen/belly. Then it gradually spreads to other body parts like the thighs, buttocks, thighs, and the lower part of the chin, and the whole body size increases proportionally.
As the weight decreases, this cycle moves in the opposite direction, meaning that the body size decreases first, the fats on other organs gradually reduce, and finally, the abdomen decreases.
Then a thought comes to mind: Why is it so difficult to lose weight if it’s all that simple?
One of the most common words used by people trying to lose weight is calories.
Eat fewer calories to lose weight. But very few people know exactly what calories are, what they do, and where to get them.
Also, regarding calories, People don’t seem to be talking about nutritional value.
For example
100 grams of cola = 41 calories, and 100 grams of apples = 51 calories
Considering this, consuming cola instead of apples should help you lose weight faster, but it doesn’t seem to be happening.
Eat plenty of protein. Interestingly, people suggest if you want to lose fat, you should avoid fatty foods. Eggs should not be eaten with yellow mayonnaise because they contain fats and only white portions. After all, they contain protein.
Cut the crab …….. now let’s get to the basics ….. and try to understand in as simple a language as possible ……
3 Key points of weight loss
Everything we eat transforms into energy. But before food was converted into energy, it was fuel. Which is mainly divided into 3 types. That is
1. Carbohydrates
2. Protein
3. Fats
But the method of conversion of these three fuels into energy is different from each other, which we will understand with the following example.
Even if this method is understood, the battle to lose weight is half won.
Carbohydrates on weight loss
Carbohydrates burn like petrol. It burns a lot, and the fire is suddenly extinguished.
Sugar is a carbohydrate. We feel good by drinking lemon water outdoors and drinking tea/coffee when we wake up or are tired from work because it is carbohydrate. But its energy does not last long.
Protein on weight loss
It Burns like a hay bale. It takes a while to ignite, but it generates a lot of energy once it ignites. There were no burns for some time. Proteins provide power for about 2-3 hours.
Fats on weight loss
Takes a long time to absorb like a burning piece of wood. But once you get it, it burns for hours. The main property of fats is to provide continuous and long-lasting energy.
This begs the question, what is the best source of energy?
In my opinion – according to your needs.
An important point to note here is that after burning fuel, it is converted into energy, which is the body’s function.
But the extra fuel (food) that goes into the body is converted into fats and stored in various body parts for future use.
Its entire circulation is through the liver. Whatever fuel the body needs will be stored for future provision. This is what we call obesity.
Mechanism of weight loss
Let us take another example to understand how energy sources are expended and exchanged after entering the body.
The body similarly spends its fuel the way we spend our income.
Carbohydrates are like money kept in a wallet. Easy availability of funds leads to quick expenses. But they are also the ones who are quickly available in need.
Protein is like a savings account in a bank. Not being available on hand increases the chances of saving.
Fats are like a term deposit. Unless an emergency arises, no one will touch it.
Even the body is not very keen on spending fats. Instead, they prefer to produce signals of hunger.
Weight loss will be more effortless by burning fats if we trick our body by giving signals of food scarcity/emergency.
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